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Our in-Tech Tutor

How it work? 


1.  Before you pay or engage with our in-TECH tutor, you can have a one-time trial of        our service through chatting with our tutor to ascertain yourself that the tutor can          help. The trial fee is just 1 dollar.  Alternatively, if you feel comfortable with our tutor      or wanna to skip this step, you are always welcome to subscribe directly.  


2.  The in-TECH tutor service is charged simply by complexity of your question or               precisely the total number of question(s) needed to respond your query                         completely. Both of these will be determined through mutual  discussion and                 consent between you and our in-TECH tutor. Surely, our tutor will endeavor to               assist you with this. However, it would also be possible that no consent can be             reached. In this case, we look forward to your service next time.


3.  Last, there is no refund policy for in-Tech tutor service, so, please ascertain                  yourself before you pay for the service. For enquiry, please feel free to contact us.


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