in-TECH Product Catalogue
Here you will find more reference and detail material of our in-TECH products. Individual product may have demo license to download for free trial. So, do check it out. For other enquiry or further information, please contact us.
Agisoft PhotoScan is a stand-alone photogrammetric software kit and solution for automatic generation of textured polygonal models, georeferenced true orthomosaics and DSMs / DTMs from still images.
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PhotoModeler is an accurate and affordable 3D Modeling - Measuring - Scanning software tool and kit. PhotoModeler extracts 3D Measurements and Models from photographs taken with an ordinary camera. A very cost-effective way of doing accurate 3D scanning, measurement and surveying.
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Pix4DMapper automatically processes terrestrial and aerial imagery acquired by light-weight UAV or aircraft using its innovative technology based purely on image content. The software also converts images into highly precise, customizable and timely results for a wide range of GIS and CAD applications.
Wanna demo version for free trial
SuperGIS Biodiversity Analyst
SuperGIS Biodiversity Analyst is a versatile spatial software tool for ecologists, environmental practitioners or professionals. The tool supports analysis for both biodiversity (e.g. Richness, Evenness and Diversity) and landscape (e.g. Density, Shape, Core Area, Proximity, Contrast, Interspersion, Connectivity and Diversity)
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SuperSurv (Android and iOS)
SuperSurv is a mobile Apps specially designed for Android and iOS devices. Apart from English, it supports traditional and simplified Chinese interface to allow operator to collect features (e.g. tree) , perform editing, switch basemaps as well as query and measurement that will suit a diversity of field applications.
Wanna demo version for free trial (N.B. an account will need to be firstly registered and created before a trial version can be downloaded)
SuperGIS Desktop (Standard & Professional)
With two editions, SuperGIS is an abundant yet inexpensive GIS tool for geoprocessing and displaying, editing, managing, querying and analyzing geographic data even faster and more easily.
Wanna demo version for free trial (N.B. an account will need to be firstly registered and created before a trial version can be downloaded)