in-TECH tutor is an on-line service to provide answers, tips or tricks to the technical question(s) you might have during your development or project works. This is a flexible service which can be subscribed as and when you or your colleagues have a need for it.
Why do I need it?
Surely, there are lot of ways you might already be using like posting questions to forum or specific development community, asking friends or colleagues etc. Although these methods are essentially free to you, your circle of friends or network could be limited. More importantly, they are being kind to assist and, hence, their own prioirty, committment or availability will come before yours.
So, if you you are still a young, small tech company or even a start-up; cannot afford to hire the skillful people you want at the moment, the in-TECH tutor service could be a good alternative to provide a more committed responses to you or your colleagues.
What can I ask?
In general, you can ask any question on the software package or tools which are within the domain areas of our in-TECH tutors. At the moment, our tutors' expertise cover 6 major domain areas and our network is expanding, too. You can check out tutor's background or the specific service that can be offered for each software or domain areas to see if this is helpful to your case.
How it work and how do I get started?
To get started, simply subscribe to the service. In general, the fee is charged per question and that you need to pay first before our in-TECH tutor will provide an answer.
Of note is that each question might have different complexity or may generate other follow-on questions. Thus, it is important that you communicate with our in-TECH tutor first in order to reach for a mutual consent on the number of questions required and/or the expected response time before you subscribe and pay for it. However, rest assured that our in-TECH tutor will guide you through this and that the on-line communication will not be charged, too.
How do I ask question?
To ask question or communicate on-line with our in-TECH tutor, simply click the "Consult our in-TECH Tutor!" chat box; enter your brief contact information and then specify your question in the format below. Our in-TECH tutor will then get back to you.
Question Prefix ID + Description of your question (e.g. DBMS: How to place an update lock on a row when it is being read? )
Currently, prefix ID include:
CADM - CAD/CAM tools e.g. Autodesk, Microstation, SolidWorks etc.
DIMM - Digital/multi media e.g. Adobe suite
PTGI - Photogrammetry/GIS spatial e.g. Agisoft, Pix4D, PhotoModeller, SuperSurv etc.
PROG - Programming tool e.g. Python, .Net, Java etc.
DBMS - Database e.g. SQL Server, MySQL etc.
SYST - System e.g. Windows client and Windows Server etc.
TCOS - Tutoring, consulting or services on other area or subject(s) e.g. post-fund acquisition
Note that it would be helpful to specify the Prefix ID or tell us the software package or tools to which your question relate. This allows our tutor(s) with that specialist knowledge to respond to you immediately.
Can I try the service before I start?
Surely, if you are not yet our customer or wanna have a try first to see if this is helpful, you can do so by asking one question at a minimal fee of HK$ 1. Thereafter, you would need to pay for the proper fee for your question(s). For this, a trust system is being honored here, so, we sincerely hope that this will not be abused.
How do I know how many questions to ask in order to answer my query completely?
Don't worry. Once you have initiated a chat, our in-TECH tutor will interact/communicate with you in an attempt to get mutual consent on how many question(s) will be needed in your case. Basically, a question is the base unit of our service. So, depending on the complexity of your question/query and the level of details you want answered, it could be possble that more than one question (or unit) will be needed.
Further, please note that the on-line chat is for you and our in-TECH tutor to determine whether you want to subscribe to the service. If you do and upon your payment as confirmation, our tutor will then respond and communicate with you using normal email. It is because from our experiences, you may need to send screenshot or dump screen across in order for us to respond precisely to your case. Likewise, our tutor may need to send attachment or note as response to your question, too.
What if I am not satisfied with the response? Can I get a refund?
It's a bit unfortunate that we do not offer refund. It is because there are indeed efforts involved by our in-TECH tutor to answer your trial question, assist with you during the on-line communication process as well as to respond to your question(s). So, please ensure that you feel comfortable with our in-TECH tutor before you subscribe and pay for it.
Regardless of this, there are leader tutor(s) available in each domain area who can help to resolve your concern should it be needed.
Can I get a record of what I have communicated with the tutor?
Yes, certainly. The whole ideas is that our client will be given full control to determine if our in-TECH tutor(s) can help. As such, only you can close a chat as long as you wannt it and our in-TECH tutor cannot.
To get a record of what was discussed, simply click the mail icon; enter your email address and then click "Send Transcript" or "Cancel" to abort.